Junqiao Qiu (/* Jùne-Ch'iáo Ch'iū */)

Assistant Professor

Department of Computer Science
City University of Hong Kong

Office: YEUNG-Y7708
Email: junqiqiu@cityu.edu.hk
Phone: +852 34424230

Google Scholar

About Me

I'm an Assistant Professor in the department of Computer Science at City University of Hong Kong. I received my Ph.D. in 2020 from CSE Department of University of California, Riverside, under the supervision of Prof. Zhijia Zhao. I got my bachelor degree from Sun Yat-sen University. Before joining CityU, I was a tenure-track assistant professor at Michigan Technological University (2020-2022). My research interests are broadly in the area of parallel computing, compiler, and systems. My CV is here.

I'm looking for self-motivated students who are interested in doing research in system and compiler areas. PhD and RA supports are both available, so feel free to contact me (but please read this before sending the email).


Honors, Grants, and Awards


(Names of my students are underlined)

[TCBB'22] Junqiao Qiu and Ali Ebnenasir. Exploring Scalable Parallelization for Edit Distance-Based Motif Search, IEEE/ACM Transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics, 2022.

[IPDPS'22] Yuguang Wang, Robbie Watling, Junqiao Qiu, and Zhenlin Wang, GSpecPal: Speculation-Centric Finite State Machine Parallelization on GPUs, Accepted by the 36th IEEE International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium, 2022 (acceptance rate: 25.9%).

[ASPLOS'21] Junqiao Qiu, Xiaofan Sun, Amir Hossein Nodehi Sabet, and Zhijia Zhao, Scalable FSM Parallelization via Path Fusion and Higher-Order Speculation, Proceedings of the 26th International Conference on Architectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating System, 2021 (acceptance rate: 18.8%).

[VLDB'21] Lin Jiang, Junqiao Qiu, and Zhijia Zhao, Scalable Structural Index Construction for JSON Analytics, the 47th International Conference on Very Large Data Bases, 2021.

[ASPLOS'20] Junqiao Qiu, Lin Jiang, and Zhijia Zhao, Challenging Sequential Bitstream Processing via Principled Bitwise Speculation, Proceedings of the 25th International Conference on Architectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating System, 2020 (acceptance rate: 18.1%). [Best Paper Award]

[TACO'20] Amir Hossein Nodehi Sabet, Junqiao Qiu, Zhijia Zhao, and Sriram Krishnamoorthy, Reliability Analysis for Unreliable FSM Computations, ACM Transactions on Architecture and Code Optimization, 2020.

[CGO'19] Ruiqin Tian*, Junqiao Qiu*, Zhijia Zhao, Xu Liu, and Bin Ren (* co-primary), Transforming Query Sequences for High-Throughput B+ Tree Processing on Many-core Processors, Proceedings of International Symposium on Code Generation and Optimization, 2019.

[ASPLOS'18] Amir Hossein Nodehi Sabet, Junqiao Qiu, and Zhijia Zhao, Tigr: Transforming Irregular Graphs for GPU-Friendly Graph Processing, Proceedings of the 23rd International Conference on Architectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems, 2018 (17.6% acceptance rate).

[ICS'17] Junqiao Qiu, Zhijia Zhao, Bo Wu, Abhinav Vishnu, and Shuaiwen Leon Song, Enabling Scalability-Sensitive Speculative Parallelization for FSM Computations, Proceedings of the International Conference on Supercomputing, 2017 (15.8% acceptance rate).

[PACT'16] Junqiao Qiu, Zhijia Zhao, and Bin Ren, MicroSpec: Speculation-Centric Fine-Grained Parallelization for FSM Computations, Proceedings of the 2016 International Conference on Parallel Architectures and Compilation, 2016 (26% acceptance rate).


Yuguang Wang (PhD student at Michigan Tech, co-advised with Dr. Zhenlin Wang)

Logan Wilkerson, Robbie Watling (master students at Michigan Tech)


CS 3421 - Computer Organization [Spring 2021, Spring 2022 at Michigan Tech]

CS 5090 - High Performance Computing [Fall 2020 at Michigan Tech]

Professional Services & Activities


Last Updates: 06/22/2023, spent a year to recover, but still struggling now :(